الاثنين، 23 نوفمبر 2009

Food and Drink

A human being has not filled any vessel which is worse than a belly ….

The holy Prophet peace be upon him advised us to follow a healthy diet which is recommended by western doctors nowadays, that's why the prophet has put a base for medical food…..

He says peace be upon him: (A human being has not filled any vessel which is worse than a belly. Enough for the son of Adam are some mouthfuls which can keep his back straight: but if there is no escape he should fill it a third with food, a third with drink, and leave a third empty) [Narrated by At-Tirmidhi].

Scientists confirm that filling the stomach with food and drink is one of the most serious dietary habits, therefore they advise to minimize the amount of food, even that most of them cure several diseases by nothing more than a healthy diet and abstain from eating large quantities of food. And this prophetic rule is considered to be one of the basics of modern medicine which demonstrates the sincerity of our Prophet and that all what he says is by inspiration from Allah not by himself!


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel




The Ideal Period for Natural Nursing

What is the ideal period for breastfeeding a child to obtain full nutrition, smartness, and strong immunity? Does this period agree with what is mentioned in the book of Allah Almighty?….

In celebration of World Breastfeeding week, World Health Organization director general Dr Margaret Chan says: “the best way of preventing malnutrition and mortality among infants and young children is to ensure that they start breastfeeding within one hour of birth.”

In her speech celebrating World Breastfeeding week from the 1st to the 7th of August 2009, Margaret stresses the significance of “breastfeeding exclusively with no food or liquid other than breast milk, not even water until six months of age and to continue breastfeeding with appropriate complementary foods up to two years or beyond.”

The studies assure that breastfeeding in the first two years of any child’s life is important for strengthening the immune system’s response, avoiding different diseases, providing children with stronger abilities concerning thinking and problem solving, and many other benefits for natural nursing.

From here, we remember Allah’s recommendation that came before the health organization or other doctors when He Almighty said: “The mothers shall give suck to their children for two whole years, for those who desire to complete the term of suckling” [Al-Baqarah: 233].

We say: this is a new proof for everyone who disbelieves the prophethood of our majestic Muhamed (peace be upon him). Who taught the noble prophet of the seventh century about the ideal period of breastfeeding which agrees with the health organization in the twenty-first century


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel




The Miracle of the Nerve Cell

The one who looks at the miraculous design of the nerve cell, should perceive the greatness of the creator be he blessed and exalted, the branches coming out from this cell that are suitable for the nature of its work, proves that the endocrine nature is unable to give this cell this wonderful form…

A microscopic image of the nerve cell of the brain, scientists affirm that the brain contains more than one trillion nerve cells. And see how there are branches or links emerging from the nerve cell, their jobs are transmitting information between cells. It is a design of high precision and complexity. So by God: who created these cells and gave them this suitable form for working, and without this form it wouldn't be possible for us to think, understand and learn. God says: (The Most Gracious (Allâh), He has taught (you mankind) the Qur’ân (by His Mercy), He created man., He taught him eloquent speech.) [Surat Ar-Rahman, verses: 1-4].

Here we ask: who gave this cell its form and guided it to work right? Imagine that the human brain contains more than 1000000000000 cells (one trillion), all of them are related to each other and work together without any defect or error, isn't He who said: (Is He Who gave to each thing its form and nature, then guided it aright.) [Surat Taha, verse: 50]?!


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel




Smaller than Atom

There are many theories that explain the components of an atom. However, certainly an atom is not the smallest particle in the universe. There are objects smaller than the atom that the Quran speaks about!….

When scientists explored the atoms’ nucleus, they discovered smaller particles such as electrons, protons, and neutrons. They also found that protons and neutrons consist of even smaller particles called quarks. Quarks are considered elementary particles that build up matter. They are diminutive and powerful strings because of their mass and precision. There is a verse in the Quran that mentions things that are smaller than atom such as these quarks. Allah (SWT) says: “And nothing is hidden from your Lord the weight of atom on the earth or in the heaven. Not what is less than that or what is greater that that but is in a clear record” [Yunus: 61].

Drawing shows particles that are smaller than atom

The miracle of this verse is that it mentions what is less than an atom and was revealed in a period when no one knew anything about atoms. In fact, not too long ago, it was thought that the atom was the smallest object in the universe; the smaller components are a very recent discovery. However, the Quran speaks precisely regarding it. Allah (SWT) says: “Less than that.” Glory to Allah Almighty.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel



· www.ipp.phys.ethz.ch/aboutus/_media/leptquarks_b.jpg

· www.wikipedia.com

The day that will make the –newborn hoary- headed

Recent scientific researches prove that great pressures affect the hair of the head by making it white-haired, the thing that is mentioned in the Holy Quran when talking on judgment day horribleness ….

It is a so horrible day which we are unaware of, which the Quran talked about, it is the judgment day. It is the most important day in every human’s life, the day where he/she will see many horrible and pressures, no mountain could bear them, for it is a great day when Almighty Allah becomes angry and He will punish all guilty and arrogant.

The Holy Quran has described the judgment day with many descriptions, such as the day that will make the –newborn hoary- headed, Allah said: (So, in case you disbelieve, how will you protect yourselves against a Day that will make the- newborn hoary-headed?) [Al-Muzzamil: 17]. This Quranic verse indicates the horribleness of the judgment day which will make the – newborn hoary- headed because of the great pressure and horribleness.

One dare says: this Quranic verse is just to assimilate how is the judgment day will be dangerous and harsh, in contrast the recent researches proves that the great pressure will cause white-haired! Thus the white hair refers to the psychological pressure.

Scientists in Japan have discovered the connection between the white hair and the hard circumstances and the psychological pressure. They go on saying that when someone goes under these circumstances, the responsible stem cell of providing the true color to the hair follicles will be exposed to damage, the thing which causes white hair.

Imagine, my dear reader, how is the pressure that every one will face in the judgment day, it is the greatest pressure ever which will damage the cells responsible of providing hair with colors. Hair will be white quickly; indeed the Quraninc verse expresses the impact of the judgment day accurately and scientifically.

This is a scientific fact, Daily Telegraph Newspaper reported about Emi Neshemora, a researcher in Kanzawa University in Japan, who led the research team, when she said that the hair follicles could be exposed to a genetic pressure which would damage the DNA in the body. The DNA cells are faced a permanent attack from harmful elements; such as UV and the radius, in the sense that one cell in the mammals may face 100,000 destructive situations which will affect the DNA daily.

Neshemora talked about the reason behind the colorless of hair which is the gradual death of the stem cells liable of the melanocytes which provide hair its true and young color. Previous researches over mice proved that the damage which the DNA may suffers, is unfixable for being exposed to the nuclear radiations which cause white hair.

Many researches indicates that the alternate gens play a role in senility in general, and losing the stem cells may result in deteriorating renewing the textile the thing that cause senility quickly. In a research in Cells Magazine, the researchers said: “we have discovered in this research that white hair is the clearest sign of senility and the damage of the stem cells responsible of providing the true color to the hair follicles”.

Dear reader, we dare say that every single word in Allah’s book is true, moreover it contains a miracle and a scientific sign, and if we study the Quran carefully, we will not find a word which contrasts with the truly scientific facts. We could find a wonderful sign in the Quranic verse where someone says: why the Quran has mentioned the hair of the head especially, while the horribleness of the judgment day affects all the body, so why exactly the white hair?

We said: any changes after any psychological pressure could be removed, healed or disappeared gradually by time, but the damage of the stem cells out of the psychological pressure and the hair becoming white is unchangeable or unhealed thing, Allah wants to give us a simple example of the horribleness of that day by using this assimilation, at the same time He gives us a scientific fact … I want to ask you could Muhammad who lived a hard life in desert with conflict with the disbeliever … could he say such words by himself?!


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel




Rains and winds

Winds have a vital role in forming clouds and descending rains, this reality was discovered only few years ago , but the Qur'an told us fourteen century ago about that fact, let us read ….

Meteorologists have made many experiments about the mechanism of forming clouds and descending of rains. After many theories they proved that winds have an important role in forming the clouds as it carries water vapor from seas and oceans to the air's upper layers, but the water atoms have to be collected and condensed to form clouds.

Here the winds start to fertilize the clouds, how does it occur? Winds carry dust atoms and fine salt and these atoms ascend to the upper layers (up to many kilometers) where temperature is very low to form drops which make heavy clouds weighing thousands of tons!!

Scientists discovered that clouds in the sky have a huge weight which is up to millions of tons. In spite of that weight clouds still there. Indeed, Allah almighty is the doer of that as He subjected all physical rules like density rule and gravity rule as without these rules clouds might be gone and life on earth will stop.

Thanks God for all of your graces.

Allah almighty had subjected all physical rules to control movement of water, its dissolving and evaporation, the disturbance of any rule may cause the water to goes inside the ground and life to end. Glory to Allah who says: (And we sent down from the sky water (rain) in (due) measure and we gave it lodging in the earth, and verily, we are Able to take it away.)(Sûrat Al-Mu’minûn- verse18).

The Qur'an tells us about the role of winds in fertilizing the clouds, God says: (And We send the winds fertilizing (to fill heavily the clouds with water), then cause the water (rain) to descend from the sky, and We give it to you to drink, and it is not you who are the owners of its stores [i.e. to give water to whom you like or to withhold it from whom you like].)(Sûrat A-Hijr- verse22).In this verse we can find many scientific miracles:

1. The word (send) is a precise word from the scientific point of view because sending operation should be organized and that what the scientists had found in the maps of winds distribution which were taken by satellite.

2. Winds fertilize the clouds which cause rains to descend from the sky.

3. The descended water is pure and drinkable.

4. The descended water is stored in great banks underground for millions of years.

All of these fact were summarized in only one verse, the question is: are these precise and eloquent facts a human made?

We have to admit that any disturbance in only one cause of rains will leads to scarcity of sweet water and increase in salt water, then life will be contaminated.

Fourteen years ago no one had got the knowledge about forming rains or knew anything about role of the winds in forming rains, but the new science confirmed all of that.

Hence, mentioning these facts in the Qur'an is a testimony that this book is sincere and that Islam is the religion of truth.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel



1- Cloud, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud

2- "cloud."Britannica Student Library.

3- Bender, Lionel. Our Planet, Simon & Schuster, 1992.

4- Ganeri, Anita. Earth Science, Macmillan, 1993.

The energy of sea waves

In every word in the Qur'an there is a miracle, in this article we will study the word "exploited "which means offering a service for no return,…

In the Qur'an there are many signs for many discoveries but first we have to think and concentrate in words of Allah, as He almighty had exploited and offered us many services for no return such as: the sun which offers heat, light and recently the generation of electric energy.

Also Allah had exploited the sea with its different blessings as one of these blessings is to get free benefits from the surface waves and the internal waves of the seas.

From where do these waves come?

Because of the difference in temperature on earth, we find differences in pressure and density from point to another as these differences cause the winds. These winds cause the movement of water on the surface of seas to form waves which moves toward the shore, one advantage of these waves is carrying amount of kinetic energy during its movement from middle of the sea to the shore.

Energy of the surface waves

Today, scientists of energy get benefits from sea waves, as they put special tools on the surface of water, when the waves start to raise and drop these tools, a mechanical motion is generated which produce an electric energy, this energy can be transformed through wires to get benefits from it. [1]

In 1799 monsieur Girard, a French man and his son were the first people to use waves to generate energy.

An electricity generation unit is floating on an ocean; by the movement of waves this unit transforms the mechanical motion to an electric energy.

Energy of the internal waves

In Britain, they are getting benefits from under sea currents which are resulted from tide waves. This source of energy is considered to be clean and safe source of power. The used technique is by fixing Propellers or turbines under the sea, and then the movement of tide waves is transformed to a mechanical energy.

A new idea is to fixing Propellers or turbines under the sea to generate electrical energy [2]

Scientists believe that this source is better than winds energy because movement of waves are regular so it can be studied well, also its volume and power can be expected which enable better design for turbines. [3]

The propeller's diameter is 20 meters and it can be fixed up to 30 meters undersea.

In 2001the consumed amount of electric energy by different methods in Britain are as the following:

1. The electrical energy from renewable sources is 2%.

2. The electrical energy from coal is 33%.

3. The electrical energy from natural gas is 37%.

4. The nuclear electrical energy is 22%.

Tide which is executed by the moon on the sea is a free blessing from God be He blessed and exalted, He says: (Allah is He Who has created the heavens and the earth and sends down water (rain) from the sky, and thereby brought forth fruits as provision for you; and He has made the ships to be of service to you, that they may sail through the sea by His Command; and He has made rivers (also) to be of service to you* And He has made the sun and the moon, both constantly pursuing their courses, to be of service to you; and He has made the night and the day, to be of service to you.* And He gave you of all that you asked for, and if you count the Blessings of Allah, never will you be able to count them. Verily, man is indeed an extreme wrong-doer, a disbeliever (an extreme ingrate who denies Allah's Blessings by disbelief and by worshipping others besides Allah, and by disobeying Allah and His Prophet Muhammad) (Sûrat Ibrâhîm- verse 32-34).

It is great verses which tell us about the blessings of Allah. The ebb and flow is one of these blessings that Allah almighty had exploited to man by His infinite power without any effort by that man, God says: (Allah, it is He Who has subjected to you the sea, that ships may sail through it by His Command, and that you may seek of His Bounty, and that you may be thankful.)(Sûrat Al-Jâthiyah- verse12).

Here we have to understand the meaning of the word "Subjected" as it means doing a work without a reward" free of charge". [4]

Today, the scientists are trying to benefit from the huge and free energy of sea waves which was exploited by God [5] God be He exalted says: (And He it is who has subjected the sea (to you), that you eat thereof fresh tender meat (i.e. fish), and that you bring forth out of it ornaments to wear. And you see the ships ploughing through it, that you may seek (thus) of His Bounty and that you may be grateful.)(Sûrat An-Nahl-verse 14).

Future of that new source

1. This source of energy is safe and without dangers.

2. The energy of sea waves is larger than the energy of winds.

3. The energy of sea waves is permanent (24 /7 all the year) but the solar energy is only available in day and energy of winds is not constant.

4. The resulting electricity by power of wavers is more stable [6].

The question, isn’t a great grace from God who subjected these waves to offer a free of charge services? God says: (Allah, it is He who has subjected to you the sea).

The produced energy by waves depends on its length, height, speed and density of water.

Researchers say that: a wave with a height of 15 meter and its time is 15 second can generates 1700 kilowatt for each square meter [7] . Also they say that the energy of waves is more than the energy of ebb and flow.

The resulted energy from difference in temperature

God be He exalted had created temperature on sea surface to be high because of the sun but it is low in the deep , that difference can be used to generate electric energy.

In 1929, George Claude a French engineer had invented an electric generation unit which produced 22 KW by utilizing the difference in temperature between sea surface and a specific deep. [8]

Researchers tell us that it is an old fashion technique but scientists are working hardly to make a touched progress.

The generated energy from the sea is one of the best kinds of natural energy, it is clean, safe and it will not deplete also it is a free grace from Allah almighty, Do we thank Allah for His graces?

The energy from currents in oceans

Oceans cover more than 70% of the earth's surface, making them the world's largest solar collectors, so that oceans are considered to be the largest power house on earth. But, what is ocean current energy?

The massive oceanic surface currents of the world are untapped reservoirs of energy. Their total energy flux has been estimated at 2.8 ¥ 1014 (280 trillion) watt-hours. Because of their link to winds and surface heating processes, the ocean currents are considered as indirect sources of solar energy.

These currents exist under the sea surface as there are currents till the deepest point in the sea. [9].

One of the primary advantages of this technology is the energy density. While solar and wind systems are well-suited for remote off grid locations, ocean energy is ideal for large-scale developments in the multiple gigawatt range. Sea water is 832 times as dense as air, providing a 5 knot ocean current with more kinetic energy than a 350 km/h wind.

According to Devon Girard (an expert with Blue Energy and ocean energy developer) the blue energy Power System acts as a series of underwater windmills exposed to daily hurricane forces. The tremendous volume and density of ocean currents allows that technology to satisfy large electricity demands efficiently. Ocean currents are one of the largest untapped renewable energy resources on the planet. Preliminary surveys show a global potential of over 450,000 MW, representing a market of more than US$550 billion.

Here, we have to mention that the Qur'an had preceded scientists to talk about the deep currents in seas which the Qur'an called "waves", God says: (Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with waves topped by waves, topped by dark clouds, (layers of) darkness upon darkness: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light.)(Sûrat an-Nûr - verse 40).

The blue energy

Blue energy is the retrieved energy from the difference in salt concentration between seawater and river water. This byproduct is the result of natural forces that are being harnessed: the flow of fresh water into seas that are made up of salt water. That energy can be used in electric generating. [10], God says: (He has made rivers (also) to be of service to you) (Sûrat Ibrâhîm- verse 32).

Also, Allah almighty says: (Allah, it is He who has subjected to you the sea, that ships may sail through it by His Command, and that you may seek of His Bounty, and that you may be thankful.)(Sûrat Al-Jâthiyah- verse 12), in this verse there is a nice sign that Allah had subjected the sea for us to get benefits from it.

Hence today, we find the scientists are working to generate electric energy from sea waves, offshore wind and inner currents [11].

After all of the above we have to say: (Glory to Him who has subjected this to us, and we could never have it (by our efforts)* and verily, to Our Lord we indeed are to return!) (Sûrat Az-Zukhruf- verse 13-14).


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel



[1] Wave power ,www.wikipedia.org.

[2] Gayle Ehrenman, current from currents, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2003.

[3] Paul Brown, Electricity from under the sea, Guardian Newspapers, 2005.

[4] القاموس المحيط: ص 600 دار المعرفة، بيروت 2005

[5] Tom Heath, Realities of Wave Technology.

[6] Wave Energy, www.oceanenergycouncil.com.

[7] Wave power,www.wikipedia.org.

[8] Ocean Thermocline Technical, www.oceanenergycouncil.com.

[9] David Schneider, Seeking renewable energy sources under the sea, American scientist, January-February 2003 .

[10] Blue energy, http://en.wikipedia.org/

[11] Realities of Wave Technology, Tom Heath BSc,PhD,M.I.Mech.E C.Eng – Wavegen.

Deep Waves

British scientists have discovered waves that flow deep in the Pacific Ocean, Scientists were surprised to find them in the deep ocean.….

A great aya that always reminds of Allah’s greatness. Allah says: “Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow (a large wave) topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it! for any to whom Allah giveth not light, there is no light!”. [AL-Nour: 40].

Allah Almighty compares the blackness and gloominess of the deeds of the unbelievers to the blackness and gloominess of the depth of the ocean, overwhelmed by large waves, above these waves is another layer of waves on the surface of the ocean, above which are thick clouds blocking the sun light. It is layers above layers of darkness.

In the aya indicates a scientific fact that was only discovered at the end of the year 2007; Scientists discovered the deep waves flow beneath the superficial layers waves that we know.

Prof Karen Heywood, an oceanographer at the University of East Anglia (UEA) and co-author of the research, said: "We were both surprised and delighted. "We expected to find something at about 50m because satellite imagery indicated it was there but we were really excited when we got a result at 1,500 metres. It opens up the possibility that there may be more waves even deeper down."

Dr Adrian Matthews, a meteorologist in UEA's School of Environmental Sciences and lead author of the new research, said: "Everyone thought that there would be nothing to see below about 200m.

The fact is indicated in Allah’s words (billow topped by billow). Scientists were surprised at the discovery and assured that they never expected it. Subhan Allah, had they only read the Holy Quran, they would have realized that its word is the truth.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel



Deep ocean waves discovered by scientists, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/main.jhtml?xml=/earth/2007/12/13/eawave113.xml