الثلاثاء، 27 أكتوبر 2009

[Tafheem-us-Sunnah] Advise at the Deathbed - How valuable & important would YOU consider it

It is reported that when Hasan al-Basri – may Allah have mercy on him - was on his deathbed, some of his companions came to him and said :
O Abu Sa’eed [his nickname], offer us some words that we can benefit us with. He replied, ·
I will equip you with three words, then you must leave me to face what I am facing :
o Be the farthest of people from those things that have been forbidden.
o Be the most involved of people in the good that has been commanded.
o Remember that the steps you take are two,Ø a step in favor or a step against – so be careful
– where YOU come and where YOU go. Reference: Abu Nu’aim, Hilyah al-Awliyaa, Vol. 2, p. 154. Related posts: 1. Abu Bakr to Umar on his deathbed
__________________And whoever contradicts and opposes the Messenger [salallahu alaihi wa sallam] after the right path has been shown clearly to him, and follows other than the believers' way. We shall keep him in the path he has chosen, and burn him in Hell - what an evil destination. (Sura an-Nisaa, 4:115) Every issue of aqeedah [creed], ibaadah [worship] or manhaj [methodology] which the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah has not provided a text for and upon which the Companions never agreed is falsehood, vain and innovation. Adhere to the narrations of the Salaf [the Prophet, the Sahaaba, the Taabi'een, and the Tabi' taabi'een], even if the people were to abandon you. And beware of the opinions of the people, no matter how much they beautify it with speech. – (Saying of Imaam al-Awzaa'ee, died 157 Hijri)It is not sufficient to take the Qur’an and Sunnah and to interpret their texts according to one’s own understandings, independent of the explanations of the Companions of the Prophet, and the clarifications of the subsequent generations of righteous scholars, no matter how knowledgeable one may become. To ignore their understandings is the first step on a path leading to deviation, misguidance and destruction as indicated by the above-mentioned Qur’anic verse

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